italian TV AraMedica

We are again on italian TV!

During the broadcast of DRITTO E ROVESCIO, there was an extended talk with the staff and patients of AraMedica Istanbul, featuring exchanges of remarks and comments on the phenomenon of hair transplantation in Turkey by many Italians.”

We are on News!

The TG1, the most important news program in Italy, has featured a segment on AraMedica and the well-established phenomenon of hair transplantation in Turkey. Watch the interview with Marcello, the head of AraMedica, and a customer leaving for Istanbul.

Premium partner U.S. Lecce ’23-’24

AraMedica is ready to embark on another year of brave and exhilarating challenges alongside Unione Sportiva Lecce football team, once again as a Premium Partner. Another year in Serie A!

TV Filming Time at AraMedica Istanbul

Italian (RAI) and Spanish (La Sexta) television crews were recently at our clinic in Istanbul to document and follow some of our clients step by step. The goal: to create investigative documentaries about the well-established phenomenon of hair transplants in Turkey.